Our success story

Founding of MyCamper
With the founding of MyCamper, main founder Michele Matt solves the problem not only for himself, but also for many other camping vehicle owners: sharing their own vehicle which often sits around unused and only generates costs.

TV appearance at Höhle der Löwen
MyCamper is taking part in the first season of the TV show "Die Höhle der Löwen" and is the first start-up to receive a commitment from all 5 lions.

Top 100 start-ups
MyCamper has been recognised as one of the top 100 start-ups in Switzerland.

Fastest growing start-ups
The Financial Times named MyCamper one of the 1,000 fastest-growing start-ups in Europe.

Acquisition of Housecar
MyCamper successfully took over and integrated Housecar, along with its talented team, expanding our presence to Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Denmark was added the following year.

More than 20 employees
The MyCamper team has grown to more than 20 employees across 3 locations.

Over 5,000 active vehicles
There are now over 5,000 bookable camping vehicles listed on MyCamper.

New Branding
Say hello to our new folksy, warm and reliable branding with the distinctive window graphic element. The new brand comes with a new color palette to create contrast to the outdoorsy world and nature. Read more on that here.